Peer reviewed research (since 2008)

Book chapters
Early Diagnosis of Oral Cancer and Lesions in Fanconi Anemia
Patients: A Prospective and Longitudinal Study Using Saliva
and Plasma. Ricardo Errazquin, Estela Carrasco, Sonia Del Marro, Anna Suñol, Jorge Peral, Jessica Ortiz, Juan Carlos Rubio, Carmen Segrelles, Marta Dueñas, Alicia Garrido-Aranda Martina Alvarez,
Cristina Belendez, Judith Balmaña and Ramon Garcia-Escudero. Cancers. 2023, 15, 1871. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers15061871 -
Fanconi anemia-isogenic head and neck cancer cell line pairs - a basic and translational science resource. Nguyen HT, Tang W, Webster ALH, Whiteaker JR, Chandler CM, Errazquin R, Roohollahi K, Fritzke M, Hoskins EE, Jonlin E, Wakefield L, Sullivan LB, Chen EY, Dorsman J, Brakenhoff R, Paulovich AG, Grompe M, Garcia-Escudero R, Wells SI, Smogorzewska A, Monnat RJ Jr. Int J Cancer. 2023 Mar 13. doi: 10.1002/ijc.34506. Online ahead of print.
Development of a mouse model for spontaneous oral squamous cell carcinoma in Fanconi anemia. Errazquin R, Page A, Suñol A, Segrelles C, Carrasco E, Peral J, Garrido-Aranda A, Del Marro S, Ortiz J, Lorz C, Minguillon J, Surralles J, Belendez C, Alvarez M, Balmaña J, Bravo A, Ramirez A, Garcia-Escudero R. Oral Oncol. 2022 Sep 30;134:106184. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2022.106184
BlaDimiR: A Urine-based miRNA Score for Accurate Bladder Cancer Diagnosis and Follow-up. Suarez-Cabrera C, Estudillo L, Ramón-Gil E, Martínez-Fernández M, Peral J, Rubio C, Lodewijk I, Martín de Bernardo Á, García-Escudero R, Villacampa F, Duarte J, de la Rosa F, Castellano D, Guerrero-Ramos F, Real FX, Malats N, Paramio JM, Dueñas M. Eur Urol. 2022 Sep 6:S0302-2838(22)02562-3. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2022.08.011
Ambra1 haploinsufficiency in CD1 mice results in metabolic alterations and exacerbates age-associated retinal degeneration. Ramírez-Pardo I, Villarejo-Zori B, Jiménez-Loygorri JI, Sierra-Filardi E, Alonso-Gil S, Mariño G, de la Villa P, Fitze PS, Fuentes JM, García-Escudero R, Ferrington DA, Gomez-Sintes R, Boya P. Autophagy. 2022 Jul 24:1-21. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2022.2103307
A new non-aggregative splicing isoform of human Tau is decreased in Alzheimer's disease. Vega García-Escudero, Daniel Ruiz-Gabarre, Ricardo Gargini, Mar Pérez, Esther García, Raquel Cuadros, Ivó H Hernández , Jorge R Cabrera, Ramón García-Escudero, José J Lucas, Félix Hernández, Jesús Ávila. Acta Neuropathol. 2021 Jul;142(1):159-177. doi:10.1007/s00401-021-02317-z
Generating new FANCA-deficient HNSCC cell lines by genomic editing recapitulates the cellular phenotypes of Fanconi anemia. Ricardo Errazquin, Esther Sieiro, Pilar Moreno, María José Ramirez, Corina Lorz, Jorge Peral, Jessica Ortiz, José Antonio Casado, Francisco J. Roman-Rodriguez, Helmut Hanenberg, Paula Río, Jordi Surralles, Carmen Segrelles and Ramon Garcia-Escudero. Genes 2021, 12(4), 548. doi:10.3390/genes12040548
Huntington's disease-specific mis-splicing unveils key effector genes and altered splicing factors. Elorza A, Márquez Y, Cabrera JR, Sánchez-Trincado JL, Santos-Galindo M, Hernández IH, Picó S, Díaz-Hernández JI, García-Escudero R, Irimia M, Lucas JJ. Brain. 2021 Mar 16:awab087. doi: 10.1093/brain/awab087
XPO7 is a tumor suppressor regulating p21CIP1-dependent senescence. Innes AJ, Sun B, Wagner V, Brookes S, McHugh D, Pombo J, Porreca RM, Dharmalingam G, Vernia S, Zuber J, Vannier JB, García-Escudero R, Gil J. Genes Dev. 2021 Mar 1;35(5-6):379-391. doi: 10.1101/gad.343269.120
Senescence Reprogramming by TIMP1 Deficiency Promotes Prostate Cancer Metastasis. Guccini I, Revandkar A, D'Ambrosio M, Colucci M, Pasquini E, Mosole S, Troiani M, Brina D, Sheibani-Tezerji R, Elia AR, Rinaldi A, Pernigoni N, Rüschoff JH, Dettwiler S, De Marzo AM, Antonarakis ES, Borrelli C, Moor AE, Garcia-Escudero R, Alajati A, Attanasio G, Losa M, Moch H, Wild P, Egger G, Alimonti A. Cancer Cell. 2021 Jan 11;39(1):68-82.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2020.10.012
The IDH-TAU-EGFR triad defines the neovascular landscape of diffuse gliomas. Gargini R, Segura-Collar B, Herránz B, García-Escudero V, Romero-Bravo A, Núñez FJ, García-Pérez D, Gutiérrez-Guamán J, Ayuso-Sacido A, Seoane J, Pérez-Núñez A, Sepúlveda-Sánchez JM, Hernández-Laín A, Castro MG, García-Escudero R, Ávila J, Sánchez-Gómez P. Sci Transl Med. 2020 Jan 22;12(527). pii: eaax1501. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aax1501.
A Novel Prostate Cell Type-Specific Gene Signature to Interrogate Prostate Tumor Differentiation Status and Monitor Therapeutic Response. Mapelli SN, Albino D, Mello-Grand M, Shinde D, Scimeca M, Bonfiglio R, Bonanno E, Chiorino G, Garcia-Escudero R, Catapano CV, Carbone GM. Cancers (Basel). 2020 Jan 10;12(1). pii: E176. doi: 10.3390/cancers12010176.
G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 safeguards epithelial phenotype in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas. Palacios-García J, Sanz-Flores M, Asensio A, Alvarado R, Rojo-Berciano S, Stamatakis K, Paramio JM, Cano A, Nieto MÁ, García-Escudero R, Mayor F Jr, Ribas C. Int J Cancer. 2019 Dec 18. doi: 10.1002/ijc.32838
Prostaglandin F2α-induced Prostate Transmembrane Protein, Androgen Induced 1 mediates ovarian cancer progression increasing epithelial plasticity. Jiménez-Segovia A, Mota A, Rojo-Sebastián A, Barrocal B, Rynne-Vidal A, García-Bermejo ML, Gómez-Bris R, Hawinkels LJAC, Sandoval P, Garcia-Escudero R, López-Cabrera M, Moreno-Bueno G, Fresno M, Stamatakis K. Neoplasia. 2019 Nov;21(11):1073-1084. doi: 10.1016/j.neo.2019.10.001. Epub 2019 Nov 14.
Deciphering the complexity of human non-coding promoter-proximal transcriptome. Mapelli SN, Napoli S, Pisignano G, Garcia-Escudero R, Carbone GM, Catapano CV. Bioinformatics. 2019 Aug 1;35(15):2529-2534. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty981.
CDK4/6 Inhibitor as a Novel Therapeutic Approach for Advanced Bladder Cancer Independently of RB1 Status. Rubio C, Martínez-Fernández M, Segovia C, Lodewijk I, Suarez-Cabrera C, Segrelles C, López-Calderón F, Munera-Maravilla E, Santos M, Bernardini A, García-Escudero R, Lorz C, Gómez-Rodriguez MJ, de Velasco G, Otero I, Villacampa F, Guerrero-Ramos F, Ruiz S, de la Rosa F, Domínguez-Rodríguez S, Real FX, Malats N, Castellano D, Dueñas M, Paramio JM. Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Sep 21. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-18-0685. [Epub ahead of print]
Vav proteins maintain epithelial traits in breast cancer cells using miR-200c-dependent and independent mechanisms. Lorenzo-Martín LF, Citterio C, Menacho-Márquez M, Conde J, Larive RM, Rodríguez-Fdez S, García-Escudero R, Robles-Valero J, Cuadrado M, Fernández-Pisonero I, Dosil M, Sevilla MA, Montero MJ, Fernández-Salguero PM, Paramio JM, Bustelo XR. Oncogene. 2018 Aug 7. doi: 10.1038/s41388-018-0433-7. [Epub ahead of print]
Bosutinib Inhibits EGFR Activation in Head and Neck Cancer. Segrelles C, Contreras D, Navarro EM, Gutiérrez-Muñoz C, García-Escudero R, Paramio JM, Lorz C. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jun 21;19(7)
Benefit of Oleuropein Aglycone for Alzheimer's Disease by Promoting Autophagy. Cordero JG, García-Escudero R, Avila J, Gargini R, García-Escudero V. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2018 Feb 20;2018:5010741
Overexpression of PIK3CA in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma is associated with poor outcome and activation of the YAP pathway. Garcia-Escudero R et al. Oral Oncology 2018 Apr;79:55-63
Compartmentalized activities of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex sustain lipogenesis in prostate cancer. Chen, J. J.; Guccini, I.; Di Mitri, D.; et al. Nature Genetics 50(2):219-228. 2018
Tau mRNA 3'UTR-to-CDS ratio is increased in Alzheimer disease. Garcia-Escudero, V.; Gargini, R.; Martin-Maestro, P.; et al. Neuroscience Letters 655: 101-108. 2017
A promoter-proximal transcript targeted by genetic polymorphism controls E-cadherin silencing in human cancers. Giuseppina Pisignano, Sara Napoli, Marco Magistri, Sarah N. Mapelli, Chiara Pastori, Stefano Di Marco, Gianluca Civenni, Domenico Albino, Claudia Enriquez, Sara Allegrini, Abhishek Mitra, Gioacchino D’Ambrosio, Maurizia Mello-Grand, Giovanna Chiorino, Ramon Garcia-Escudero, Gabriele Varani, Giuseppina M. Carbone & Carlo V. Catapano. Nat Commun. 2017 May 30;8:15622. doi: 10.1038/ncomms15622.
Clusterization in head and neck squamous carcinomas based on lncRNA expression: molecular and clinical correlates. de Lena PG, Paz-Gallardo A, Paramio JM, García-Escudero R. Clin Epigenetics. 2017 Apr 8;9:36
MicroRNA-424 impairs ubiquitination to activate STAT3 and promote prostate tumor progression. Dallavalle C, Albino D, Civenni G, Merulla J, Ostano P, Mello-Grand M, Rossi S, Losa M, D'Ambrosio G, Sessa F, Thalmann GN, Garcia-Escudero R, Zitella A, Chiorino G, Catapano CV, Carbone GM. J Clin Invest. 2016 Dec 1;126(12):4585-4602
WIP Drives Tumor Progression through YAP/TAZ-Dependent Autonomous Cell Growth. Gargini R, Escoll M, García E, García-Escudero R, Wandosell F, Antón IM. Cell Rep. 2016 Nov 15;17(8):1962-1977
SWI/SNF regulates a transcriptional program that induces senescence to prevent liver cancer. Tordella L, Khan S, Hohmeyer A, Banito A, Klotz S, Raguz S, Martin N, Dhamarlingam G, Carroll T, González Meljem JM, Deswal S, Martínez-Barbera JP, García-Escudero R, Zuber J, Zender L, Gil J. Genes Dev. 2016 Oct 13.
The soluble pattern recognition receptor PTX3 links humoral innate and adaptive immune responses by helping marginal zone B cells. Chorny A, Casas-Recasens S, Sintes J, Shan M, Polentarutti N, García-Escudero R, Walland AC, Yeiser JR, Cassis L, Carrillo J, Puga I, Cunha C, Bastos H, Rodrigues F, Lacerda JF, Morais A, Dieguez-Gonzalez R, Heeger PS, Salvatori G, Carvalho A, Garcia-Sastre A, Blander JM, Mantovani A, Garlanda C, Cerutti A. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2016 Sep 12
The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics' resources: focus on curated databases. SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Members. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Jan 4;44(D1):D27-37.
A Polycomb-mir200 loop regulates clinical outcome in bladder cancer. Martínez-Fernández M, Dueñas M, Feber A, Segovia C, García-Escudero R, Rubio C, López-Calderón FF, Díaz-García C, Villacampa F, Duarte J, Gómez-Rodriguez MJ, Castellano D, Rodriguez-Peralto JL, de la Rosa F, Beck S, Paramio JM. Oncotarget. 2015 Dec 8;6(39):42258-75.
A chemogenomic screening identifies CK2 as a target for pro-senescence therapy in PTEN-deficient tumours. Kalathur M, Toso A, Chen J, Revandkar A, Danzer-Baltzer C, Guccini I, Alajati A, Sarti M, Pinton S, Brambilla L, Di Mitri D, Carbone G, Garcia-Escudero R, Padova A, Magnoni L, Tarditi A, Maccari L, Malusa F, Kalathur RK, A Pinna L, Cozza G, Ruzzene M, Delaleu N, Catapano CV, Frew IJ, Alimonti A. Nature Communications. 2015 Jun 18;6:7227.
Interaction of CDCP1 with HER2 Enhances HER2-Driven Tumorigenesis and Promotes Trastuzumab Resistance in Breast Cancer. Abdullah Alajati, Ilaria Guccini, Sandra Pinton, Ramon Garcia-Escudero, Tiziano Bernasocchi, Manuela Sarti, Erica Montani, Andrea Rinaldi, Filippo Montemurro, Carlo Catapano, Francesco Bertoni, Andrea Alimonti. Cell Reports. 2015 Apr 28;11(4):564-76.
Enhancing chemotherapy efficacy in Pten-deficient prostate tumors by activating the senescence-associated antitumor immunity. Toso A, Revandkar A, Di Mitri D, Guccini I, Proietti M, Sarti M, Pinton S, Zhang J, Kalathur M, Civenni G, Jarrossay D, Montani E, Marini C, Garcia-Escudero R, Scanziani E, Grassi F, Pandolfi PP, Catapano CV, Alimonti A. Cell Reports. 2014 Oct 9;9(1):75-89.
In vivo disruption of an Rb-E2F-Ezh2 signaling loop causes bladder cancer. Santos M, Martínez-Fernández M, Dueñas M, García-Escudero R, Alfaya B, Villacampa F, Saiz-Ladera C, Costa C, Oteo M, Duarte J, Martínez V, Gómez-Rodriguez MJ, Martín ML, Fernández M, Viatour P, Morcillo MA, Sage J, Castellano D, Rodriguez-Peralto JL, de la Rosa F, Paramio JM. Cancer Research. 2014 Nov 15;74(22):6565-77.
Tumour-infiltrating Gr-1+ myeloid cells antagonize senescence in cancer. Di Mitri D, Toso A, Chen JJ, Sarti M, Pinton S, Jost TR, D'Antuono R, Montani E, Garcia-Escudero R, Guccini I, Da Silva-Alvarez S, Collado M, Eisenberger M, Zhang Z, Catapano C, Grassi F, Alimonti A. Nature. 2014 Nov 6;515(7525):134-7.
Akt signalling leads to stem cell activation and promotes tumour development in epidermis. Segrelles C, García-Escudero R, Garín MI, Aranda JF, Hernández P, Ariza JM, Santos M, Paramio JM, Lorz C. Stem Cells. 2014 Jul;32(7):1917-28.
PIK3CA gene alterations in bladder cancer are frequent and associate with reduced recurrence in non-muscle invasive tumors. Dueñas M, Martínez-Fernández M, García-Escudero R, Villacampa F, Marqués M, Saiz-Ladera C, Duarte J, Martínez V, Gómez MJ, Martín ML, Fernández M, Castellano D, Real FX, Rodriguez-Peralto JL, De La Rosa F, Paramio JM. Molecular Carcinogenesis. 2013 Dec 18. doi: 10.1002/mc.22125.
Developmental and tumoral vascularization is regulated by G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2. Rivas V, Carmona R, Muñoz-Chápuli R, Mendiola M, Nogués L, Reglero C, Miguel-Martín M, García-Escudero R, Dorn GW 2nd, Hardisson D, Mayor F Jr, Penela P. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2013 Nov 1;123(11):4714-30.
p21 suppresses inflammation and tumorigenesis on pRB-deficient stratified epithelia. Cristina Saiz-Ladera, Maria Fernanda Lara, Marina Garin, Sergio Ruiz ,Mirentxu Santos, Corina Lorz, Ramon Garcia-Escudero, Monica Martinez-Fernandez, Ana Bravo, Oscar Fernandez-Capetillo, Carmen Segrelles and Jesus M Paramio. Oncogene. 2014 Sep 11;33(37):4599-612
RNAi-mediated silencing of Myc transcription inhibits stem-like cell maintenance and tumorigenicity in prostate cancer. Civenni G, Malek A, Albino D, Garcia-Escudero R, Napoli S, Di Marco S, Pinton S, Sarti M, Carbone GM, Catapano CV. Cancer Research. 2013 Nov 15;73(22):6816-27.
Keratinocyte cell lines derived from severe generalized recessive Epidermolysis Bullosa patients carrying a highly recurrent COL7A1 homozygous mutation: models to assess cell and gene therapies in vitro and in vivo. Chamorro C, Almarza D, Duarte B, Llames SG, Murillas R, Garcia M, Cigudosa JC, Espinosa-Hevia L, Escamez MJ, Mencia A, Meana A, Garcia-Escudero R, Moro R, Conti CJ, Del Rio M, Larcher F. Experimental Dermatology 22(9):601-3, 2013.
The Rho Exchange Factors Vav2 and Vav3 Favor Skin Tumor Initiation and Promotion by Engaging Extracellular Signaling Loops. Mauricio Menacho-Marquez, Ramon Garcia-Escudero, Virginia Ojeda, Antonio Abad, Pilar Delgado, Clotilde Costa, Sergio Ruiz, Balbino Alarcon, Jesus M. Paramio, and Xose R. Bustelo. PloS Biology 11(7):e1001615, 2013.
ETS Transcription Factor ESE1/ELF3 Orchestrates a Positive Feedback Loop That Constitutively Activates NF-κB and Drives Prostate Cancer Progression. Longoni N, Sarti M, Albino D, Civenni G, Malek A, Ortelli E, Pinton S, Mello-Grand M, Ostano P, D'Ambrosio G, Sessa F, Garcia-Escudero R, Thalmann GN, Chiorino G, Catapano CV, Carbone GM. Cancer Research 73(14):4533-47, 2013
A Novel Tumor suppressor network in squamous malignancies. Costa C, Santos M, Segrelles C, Dueñas M, Lara MF, Agirre X, Prosper F, Garcia-Escudero R, Paramio JM. Scientific Reports 2:828, 2012.
Transcriptional and Non-Transcriptional Functions of PPARβ/δ in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Genini D, Garcia-Escudero R, Carbone GM, Catapano CV. PLoS One 7(9):e46009, 2012.
The rho exchange factors vav2 and vav3 control a lung metastasis-specific transcriptional program in breast cancer cells. Citterio C, Menacho-Marquez M, Garcia-Escudero R, Larive RM, Barreiro O, Sanchez-Madrid F, Paramio JM, Bustelo XR. Science Signaling 5(244):ra71, 2012.
A humanized mouse model of HPV-associated pathology driven by E7 expression. Buitrago-Perez A, Hachimi M, Dueñas M, Lloveras B, Santos A, Holguin A, Duarte B, Santiago JL, Akgül B, Rodriguez-Peralto JL, Storey A, Ribas C, Larcher F, del Rio M, Paramio JM, Garcia-Escudero R. PLoS One 7(7):e41743, 2012.
E2F1 loss induces spontaneous tumour development in Rb-deficient epidermis. Costa C, Santos M, Martinez-Fernandez M, Dueñas M, Lorz C, Garcia-Escudero R, Paramio JM. Oncogene 32(24):2937-51, 2012.
Mouse p53-deficient cancer models as platforms for obtaining genomic predictors of human cancer clinical outcomes. Dueñas M, Santos M, Aranda JF, Bielza C, Martinez-Cruz AB, Lorz C, Taron M, Ciruelos EM, Rodriguez-Peralto JL, Martin M, Larrañaga P, Dahabreh J, Stathopoulos GP, Rosell R, Paramio JM, Garcia-Escudero R. PLoS One 7(8):e42494, 2012.
EMT and induction of miR-21 mediate metastasis development in Trp53-deficient tumours. Bornachea O, Santos M, Martinez-Cruz AB, Garcia-Escudero R, Dueñas M, Costa C, Segrelles C, Lorz C, Buitrago A, Saiz-Ladera C, Agirre X, Grande T, Paradela B, Maraver A, Ariza JM, Prosper F, Serrano M, Sanchez-Cespedes M, Paramio JM. Scientific Reports 2:434, 2012.
Cell Fusion Reprogramming Leads to a Specific Hepatic Expression Pattern during Mouse Bone Marrow Derived Hepatocyte Formation In Vivo. Oscar Quintana-Bustamante*, Esther Grueso*, Ramon Garcia-Escudero*, Elvira Arza, Alberto Alvarez-Barrientos, Maria Garcia-Bravo, Nestor W Meza, Jose C. Segovia. PLoS One 7(3): e33945, 2012. (* Author equal contribution).
Protein kinase C (PKC)ζ-mediated Gαq stimulation of the ERK5 pathway is involved in cardimyocites and cardiac fibroblasts. Garcia-Hoz C, Sanchez-Fernandez G, Garcia-Escudero R, Fernandez-Velasco M, Palacios-Garcia J, Ruiz-Meana M, Diaz-Meco MT, Leitges M, Moscat J, Garcia-Dorado D, Bosca L, Mayor F Jr, Ribas C. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287(10):7792-802, 2012.
p27(Kip1) represses transcription by direct interaction with p130/E2F4 at the promoters of target genes. Pippa R, Espinosa L, Gundem G, Garcia-Escudero R, Dominguez A, Orlando S, Gallastegui E, Saiz C, Besson A, Pujol MJ, Lopez-Bigas N, Paramio JM, Bigas A, Bachs O. Oncogene 31(38):4207-20, 2012.
The E2 protein of human papillomavirus type 8 increases the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in human keratinocytes and organotypic skin cultures. Baki Akgül, Ramon Garcia-Escudero, Christine Ekechi, Gertrud Steger, Harshad Navsaria, Herbert Pfister and Alan Storey. Medical Microbiology and Immunology 200(2), 127-135, 2011.
A Functional Role of RB-Dependent Pathway in the Control of Quiescence in Adult Epidermal Stem Cells Revealed by Genomic Profiling. C Lorz, R Garcia-Escudero, C Segrelles, MI Garin, JM. Ariza, M Santos, S Ruiz, MF. Lara, AB Martinez-Cruz, C Costa, A Buitrago-Perez, C Saiz-Ladera, M Dueñas and JM Paramio. Stem Cells Reviews and Reports 6, 162-177, 2010.
Gene expression profiling of mouse p53-deficient epidermal carcinoma defines molecular determinants of human cancer malignancy. Garcia-Escudero R*, Martinez-Cruz AB, Santos M, Lorz C, Segrelles C, Garaulet G, Saiz-Ladera C, Costa C, Buitrago-Perez A, Dueñas M, Paramio JM*. Molecular Cancer 9, 193, 2010. (*Corresponding authors)
Transgenic mice expressing constitutive active Akt in oral epithelium validate Klf4 as a potential biomarker of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. M Moral, C Segrelles, AB Martinez-Cruz, C Lorz, M Santos, R Garcia-Escudero, J Lu, A Buitrago, C Costa, C Saiz, JM Ariza, M. Dueñas, JL Rodriguez-Peralto, FJ Martinez-Tello, M Rodriguez-Pinilla, M Sanchez-Cespedes, J DiGiovanni and JM. Paramio. In Vivo 23, 653- 660, 2009.
Spontaneous tumor formation in Trp53-deficient epidermis mediated by chromosomal instability and inflammation. B. Martinez-Cruz, M. Santos, R. Garcia-Escudero, M. Moral, C. Segrelles, C. Lorz, C Saiz, A. Buitrago-Perez, C Costa and J. M. Paramio. Anticancer research 29, 3035-3042, 2009.
Akt activation synergizes with Trp53 loss in oral epithelium to produce a novel mouse model for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. M Moral, C Segrelles, MF Lara, AB Martinez-Cruz, C Lorz, M Santos, R Garcia-Escudero, J Lu, K Kiguchi, A Buitrago, C Costa, C Saiz, JL Rodriguez-Peralto, FJ Martinez-Tello, M Rodriguez-Pinilla, M Sanchez-Cespedes, M Garin, T Grande, A Bravo, J DiGiovanni and JM. Paramio. Cancer Research 69, 1099-1108, 2009.
Susceptibility of pRb-deficient epidermis to chemical skin carcinogenesis is dependent on the p107 allele dosage. M. Santos, S. Ruiz, M. F. Lara, C. Segrelles, M. Moral, A. B. Martinez-Cruz, P. C. Lorz, R. Garcia-Escudero and J. M. Paramio. Molecular Carcinogenesis 47, 815-821, 2008.
Constitutively active Akt induces ectodermal defects and impaired BMP signaling. C. Segrelles, M. Moral, C. Lorz, M. Santos, J. Lu, J.L. Cascallana, M. F. Lara, S. Carbajal, A. B. Martinez-Cruz, R. Garcia-Escudero, A. Bravo, J. DiGiovanni and J. M. Paramio. Molecular Biology of the Cell 19, 137-149, 2008.
Spontaneous squamous cell carcinoma induced by the somatic inactivation of Rb1 and Trp53 tumor suppressors in mouse stratified epithelia. A. B. Martinez-Cruz, M. Santos, M. F. Lara, S. Ruiz, C. Segrelles, M. Moral, C. Lorz, R. Garcia-Escudero and J. M. Paramio. Cancer Research 68, 683-692, 2008.
Gene profiling approaches help to define the specific functions of retinoblastoma family in epidermis. M. Fernanda Lara*, Ramon Garcia-Escudero*, Sergio Ruiz, Mirentxu Santos, Marta Moral, Ana B. Martinez-Cruz, Carmen Segrelles, and Jesus M. Paramio. Molecular Carcinogenesis 47, 209-221, 2008. (* Author equal contribution).
p107 acts as a tumor suppressor in pRb-deficient epidermis. M. Fernanda Lara, Mirentxu Santos, Sergio Ruiz, Carmen Segrelles, Marta Moral, Ana Belen Martinez-Cruz, Pilar Hernandez, Jesus Martinez-Palacio, Corina Lorz, Ramon Garcia-Escudero and Jesus M. Paramio. Molecular Carcinogenesis 47, 105-113, 2008.
Comprehensive Molecular Characterization of Squamous
Cell Carcinomas. Corina Lorz, Carmen Segrelles, Ricardo Errazquin and Ramon Garcia-Escudero. In: Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Hallmark and Treatment Modalities InTech Open Access Publisher DOI.10.5772/intechopen.85988 -
Analysis Model for HPV-Related Pathobiology. Águeda Buitrago-Pérez, Jesús M. Paramio and Ramón García-Escudero. In: Human Papillomavirus and Related Diseases-From Bench to Bedside-Research aspects. InTech Open Access Publisher, January, 2012. ISBN: 978-953-307-855-7.
Gene Expression profiling of mouse epidermal Keratinocytes. R García-Escudero and JM Paramio. Methods Molecular Biology 585, 171-181, 2010. In: Epidermal Cells. Ed K Turksen. ISBN: 978-1-60761-379-4

Molecular signatures of HPV-induced carcinogenesis: pRb, p53 and gene expression profiling. A. Buitrago, Ana Vazquez, Guillermo Garaulet, J.M. Paramio and R. García-Escudero. Current Genomics 19, 26-34, 2009.
Gene Expression Profiling As A Tool For Basic Analysis And Clinical Application Of Human Cancer. R. García-Escudero and J. M. Paramio. Molecular Carcinogenesis 47, 573-579, 2008.